Saturday, February 26, 2011

What's more Texan than Guns?

In her commentary, Tripp: In the face of danger, Texans must have the option to protect themselves, Alice Tripp defends the practice of allowing concealed weapons inside the Capitol, against a column written by Ken Herman in which he expresses that the practice is "going too far". Alice Tripp comments that she does not think she will need her protection while inside the Capitol but her worries come from the outside of the building. Alice Tripp's commentary is directed to anyone who cares about concealed weapons at the Capitol; whether you support it or like Ken Herman think it's unnecessary or even dangerous. Within her commentary, Alice Tripp makes good points. She is a 64 year old woman who has to exit the Capitol building late at night and make her way to the parking garage, alone. Through her commentary Alice Tripp pays special attention to emphasize that carrying a concealed weapon for protection is only an option citizens should have a right-to exercise. Alice Tripp is also a lobbyist for the Texas State Rifle Association so people can infer that she would be in favor of allowing concealed guns in the Capitol even if she didn't have to exit the Capitol building at night and by herself. Overall Alice Tripp's commentary has made a clear understanding of why someone would need to carry a concealed weapon to the Capitol; the only problem would come with a licensee who intends to use their concealed weapon in the wrong way.

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